
Our Podcast

for USD project

Tune into our live podcasts on Wednesdays  9.30AM PDT

Our podcast covers the BIGGEST problems real citizens can face, when there are strategic problems with the US Dollar (or currency asset class).

This includes the US National Debt crisis that will be coming in a certain number of years. Podcast includes strategic issues with preventing inflation, inflation-based effective salary decreases to workers, and other strategic issues with currency asset classes. We cover cryptocurrency, as it maps to strategic decisions in economics and politics. We cover a possible “US Dollar v2” that solves problem (US National Debt crisis), and cryptocurrencies that could and would solve key problems.


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Podcast #5

Modeling when the crisis happens (In-depth meeting)

Learn more about how we modeled the National debt crisis on this podcast.

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Podcast #4

Reaching out to economics experts.

Discover how we reach to the people interested and well informed in economics make them give their decision on top economic issues.

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Podcast #3

Reliability of Cryptocurrency investors & USD project

If you are a Crypto investor,you need to be closely active with the USD project. Find out how and why on this podcast.

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Podcast #2

Political LEFT’s strategic input into the debate

Political left’s strategic input could create the national debt crisis in USA. Listen to our debate here.

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Podcast #1

Overview of the USD project.

Why USD project? Who will be benefited by this? Why Top economic issues. Learn more on this podcast.